Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Last week in February.

Well, this is the last week in February and as you may
well have notice not a great deal of input from me.
On the last day of January I had a big!!!!!! birthday,
since then I haven't been well. We all joke about 
7 year itch. Well I've had  70 th year cough. I've
 never had a cough like this ever. I'm in the 4th week
and it now seems to be going.
Irene has invested in a new die cutting machine,
 this quilt is her first of many using a chenille
We at the class have bought her earlier model.
It cuts multiples of 2 1/2 in strips . so quick
and easy, also flying geese.

Foxy has been making table toppers, this will be a
chequered Dresden.

This is my charity quilt from scraps again, so quick
and simple, all I could manage at the moment.

This is another luxury shopper from Kate.
The fabric is from the designer shop freebies
again.One day we may use the stash .....
we hope.

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