Flower Tutorial

Well last Wednesday at Caverswall I didn't take enough sewing to do, so I decided to fudge this green flower together with some words off wisdom from my fellow quilters, then it got posted on the blog. Then someone commented on the pattern and because it was so easy to make I thought I would share how it was made.

Because this flower was fudged together I didn't make a note of the length of fabric. The blue one I made today, was a jelly role 28 inches long but is not as full as the green one, so I'm guessing about 35 inches for the green. My daughter likes the blue one better so the length off fabric is up to you!)  

First get your jelly role and cut it between 28 and 35 inches and fold length ways and pin in to place.

Then do a large slip stitch along the bottom of the fabric (you can just see my orange thread)

When you get to the end tie your thread in a small knot (so you don't pull it through) take the thread from the other side and begin to pull to gather the fabric, when you are happy tie another knot to hold the gather in place. 

Then role the fabric around its self starting at one end

Your might need to pit it now to hold in to place then do several stiches thought all the layers from different sides of the flower near the bottom.

Then your flower should look like this

When you turn it over it should look like this (notice its not as full as the green one so if you do want it more fuller go for a 35 inch length)

Then if you add it to one of these

You get this Ta Dar!!!!

This is my first tutorial so I hope you like it and I hope you find it not so confusing!!!

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