Monday, 7 November 2016


The table top sale on Sunday was  really good .
Lots of stalls and lots  of fun. We made £257.00,
for the village hall, with a little extra coming in
when we finalise the raffle on Monday night.
This is Jenny's railfence quilt, she is gifting this at Xmas.

These are coasters by Marrila, all hand stitched and
quilted as we have always known . 

This is Irene's cats quilt, the faces on these cats
are so comical.

 tonight when w
This is Irene's glittery choice for the table runner
pattern, doesn't blue and white look so crisp?

These are Val's fat quarter bag fabrics. All Japanese and
blending in so beautifully.

Another of Val's creations, A really smart cushion.

This is a Linus quilt that Cathie is making, This will go to a
 lady called Heather with some others we have already made.

Annette's blocks were all set out and photos taken
to save the placements, I went to photo for the blog
and this is all I got, so very quick these ladies.

Chris's spider quilt missed the Halloween deadline(pun)
never mind though, she quilted the back with a massive
spider web......creapy.

Marisabell has started the craze of felt Xmas decorations
We sent for some from USA ,I've started one for myself,
They are so very pretty and will last for many years ,
saved for Xmas.

More of the pillows for the Cancer centre, we will take them
as soon as the ladies feel we have made enough.

This is another of the checkered Dresden, This one made with
 a proper template that I bought from Malvern, not the one
 I made last week.That one was 22 blades and a larger
centre. Which I think I prefer. They say" necessity is the
mother of invention" in this case my version turned out

This is the table runner we will be making I finished
it to take the table top sale and forgot it, never mind.

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