Saturday, 15 October 2016



As most will have gathered by now my new tech skills
are not my best achievement. I have bought a new P.C.
With all the bells and whistles, I am now linked to the
 cloud, so that all my photo's from my phone go straight
to my state of the art P.C.   They tell me!!! I'm now on 
week 2 and can't find my pics. Another visit to family 
is on the cards so I can find them. The ladies in class
have been making  cosmetic bags to support the 
Breast Cancer Awareness cause. Our collection will
have a collective noun, A Bosom of cosmetic bags!
We have also been given a contact to make heart 
pillows, so we are now starting on those. Photo's and
more information will follow asap. Thanks for your 

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