Thursday, 21 July 2016

A very warm welcome.

Here we go, better late than never. Well, what sort of
weather do any of us call perfect? I love summer with
all of the changes in temperature. Too warm to sew....
relaxing in the shade. Rain...sewing like a dervish,
 awaiting a chance to hand sew  and finish ufo's.
A little bit of every thing, also it makes me do house
 work so very  quick, just to do the bits I love. The 
village hall is really becoming a hub for socializing.
We enjoy and welcome visitors just to say hello

and enjoy a coffee.

Kate is working on a quilt of windmills, to be gifted  very soon.
A few minutes to arrange in sequence and all pinned together
ready to assemble asap.

Another bag to be finished by Linda this fabric is so popular
at the moment, its design  contains postcard prints and stamps,
neutral and very classy just like Linda.

As I was saying a very classy bag, this one has designer
buttons to complement the handles. A for Armani?

These tiny pieces are an ongoing project of paper piecing.
Annette is using a glue to hold fabric in place before
joining . I tried this a while ago, not with much success,
now we are using a glue stick from one of the bargain shops
costing about £1.00 for three. I tried this way this weekend
SURPRISE I didn't end up covered in glue like the last time.
A method to be continued to quicken up the production line.

This is the stunning quilt by Annette, it has been quilted
by The Trading Post. They say that quilting should enhance
the design, this has been stitched in a gold thread  it really
does work. Margaret working on the same panel is planning
to have hers quilted at the same shop.

Jenny has  made some blocks in a split 9 patch thi.s will be
a table runner in lovely grey tones

Jenny made this last week , now to be gifted she made a beautiful
gift box, she makes stunning cards boxes, so cleaver.

This is Chris's baby quilt, for the imminent baby  it is
made of really soft seersucker fabrics. It is her first
 "own design" such an achievement.

This is Marissabelle's place setting, all 6 appliqued and
being quilted, the fabric was bought in USA earlier this
year , a lovely gift for a family member.

Marrilla has been quietly stitching Pentagons, these are being
formed into little balls, this one has been filled with
French Lavender.

Cathie has been knitting X mas decorations in sparkly reds,
next will be the snow men. 

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