Monday, 13 June 2016

Cooling off!!

Wednesday at quilting was quite a change from
the last few days, warm and eventually a really
heavy downpour. Just the right components for
 a good sewing day. We had had a really good
 day at the table top sale so we were all very
talkative. We totaled £255.50 towards the 
decoration of the village hall. As we have an 
open door policy we get lots of friends popping
in for coffee and a chat, All are very welcome
and we are grateful of their support, help,
and the donations for the raffles etc.
This is a good use of leftover scraps
an idea often used by Beryl. Linda has
really transferred a plain book into
something unique.
This is the beginning of a sewing machine
cover for Kate's grand daughter.
Almost finished, this bag along with a new
 machine will be a really welcome gift.

These 2 bags are made by Irene, they will be gifted
to a little girl in USA. They are so pretty , they were
from a kit bought at Malvern.

This is the backing fabric for Irene's Darth Vader

Chris has been designing her baby quilt,
this will be appliqued with hearts and
flowers. This is the 3rd quilt she has made
using seersucker fabrics. They are beautifully
soft and gentle, with lovely pastel colours.
This is a beautiful bag by Linda, fabric bought at
Malvern, the unusual webbing for the handles
was from Abakhan , it's 2 colours, brown
and black, co-ordinates really well.

This is my latest project, a quick lap quilt
for my daughters spare room. We have been
 looking for a lemon set of bedding for  a while.
Not so "on trend" any more.

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