Thursday, 16 July 2015


Well today we had a birthday, our lovely Irene, and that means CAKE!!!!!! :) we also did lots of chatting while the PAT testing was being done on our machines (so we are nice and safe :) ) and then we did some sewing. We also had a few visitors pop in we had Marian and Angie :)
Lets see what we got up to,

Cathy is having another day off her bag, so is quilting her
lovely Linus quilt :)

Wendy was playing with her embroidery machine, since she got it
out to be PAT tested she thought she would have a play :)

Maggie is putting off quilting her beautiful scrap quilt so she has decided
to make it a little bigger :) and why not?

Irene is putting another boarder on her purple butterfly
quilt, for her lucky hairdresser :)
The quilts always seam to 'pop' when you take a photo of them
and this is look fantastic!

Annette is making these fab foxy cushions :)

Annie Pie is quilting her beautiful autumble bargello quilt
Marilia is working on her beautiful bunting,
which I love!!!!

Chris has finished her quilt top on her beautiful baby quilt,
all ready to be sandwiched :)

And me I get A Tar Dar for finishing my Linus quilt

I also made this Swedish peg bag, which is very weird yet practical
which is me all over :)
That's it for this week at sewing but I would like to share with you my handy tip which I discovered this week, while starting my peg bag at home I decided to use interfacing for the first time! ha! I put it the wrong way round when I put my iron on it and lets say my iron didn't like it! so in a mad panic I was scrolling the internet to find a cure for my poor iron, but I could only find out how to get glue off :( so I thought I would use a good method a lady suggested for glue, vinegar! I thought brill I have some of that!! then I remembered I used that for my homemade weed killer! a bottle of vinegar a small cup of salt and a squirt of fairy liquid (and that works a treat on your weeds!) so I thought that my best hope so I will give it a go! 
This is my iron, I put the solution on with a tooth brush gave it a little rub, then gave it a little scrape with my finger nail and the horrible mess started coming off!! Fantastic! then I fill my iron with water and squirted lots of steam out to clean the holes out and gave a wipe over with a baby wipe and presto!!
One clean iron, I don't know if its is a proper method or sheer luck, but I thought I would share it with you just in case you ever have the same problem :)
that's it for this week
see you soon