Thursday, 10 April 2014

Thursday, 10 April 2014

This is our first week without our dear friend and quilting guru Angie (she is having some well deserved R'n'R) so let's see how we got on...

This is Chris' lovely space cot/bed quilt for her grandson Bertie, She is having a few problems with the fiderly boarders but she is getting there, and what a lucky boy Bertie is!

Lynda has made this beautiful rail fence quilt, it's going to be a Christmas present for some lucky person,  and she is really enjoying making it!

Foxy Margaret brought this as a panel and had plans to make some cushions but nothing goes to plan and they were to big so it's now going to be a lap quilt after adding a few buttons. 

Kate made this fantastic mini quilt at a workshop and loved it that much that she plans to turn it in to a quilt for a double bed! She is going to use the Dresden plate around the edge and is using apartment   quilting to finish. 

Annette has made this lovely quilt for her mum using the rail fence block and has nearly finished quilting, then it's time for binding! 

Marilla has made this stunning Dresden plate cushion by hand, she did confess she sewed only down the side of the cushion using her machine. And she said she had a wonderful time picking out the fabrics with Angie in Angie's fabric shop. 

Chatty Cathy had to re-measure and re-cut her diamonds for her lonestar quilt, as she did not press the strips correctly before she cut them out. She says and I quote" I have learned a good lesson today and will be more careful in the future.

Wendy always comes in with things she has "just knocked up" in her spare time, this is a lovely quilted bag.

Irene has made this delightful quilt for her son Matt and she is happy it's nearly finished. 

Like Pinocchio's nose Wendy's Bargello quilt grows and grows! 
She has decided this is going to be a table cover for her daughters garden party for her 50th birthday! 

Foxy Margaret has been making this for a few weeks now, it's a beautiful cover for her new I pad.

And finally me I made this quilted owl cushion for my niece we did have to fudge it together a bit but it looks pretty good if I do say so

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