In the blink of an eye things can change so dramatically.
Everything goes smoothly for months then bang. The
absence of the blog is all my fault, things have been
chaos at the hall and our house, damage to our hedges
and a fight with the council, sorted. Illness in the family
thankfully sorted, damage to the hall, after a riotous
wedding (thank goodness our new curtains are not up yet)
sorted. Now we are back to normal and have a fixed date
for a tabletop sale on November 6th. Whew!!
Jenny has made this cosmetic bag for Foxy Margaret
the fabric is oriental and has been in a draw at her home
a few years. As Margaret is on a cruise I think it has gone too. |
A floor lampshade remodeled, with love floral fabric.
Again a joint effort by myself Jenny and Margaret put the
trim on. Another few years of use.Sorry about the reflection
not my pic. |
This is a Twiddle muff knitted by Kate, decorated by Beryl,
donated to Annie for her friend in a care home. |
This is a" just because I can" quilt by Val using
fussy cuts from a previous quilt, some lucky
child will be so pleased. |
Annie is so very pleased with her self these days, after quite a
time in the doldrums of not sewing she is back to normal
now. Not only finishing projects for her self, but taking on
commissions for others. This is flag number 3. for a friends
regimental dinnering later in October. Chuffed to bits. |
Another of Annie's projects, Flick flack or square dance
this pattern is so nice to do as long as you remember
where each recut square came from. My first effort was
drawn on a scrap of paper and had the border missing.
When I cut out the windmills I was totally lost. I worked
in the end thanks to You tube. |
This is Cathy's doggy quilt, some lucky dogs in Blythe Bridge.
Nearly all of Cathy's sewing these days has been for charity.
Well done that lady! |
This is a cat quilt being made by Irene the faces are so
comical, the lady recipient will be so pleased to have this
gifted. I think that it is for a friend in USA. |
This is a felt Xmas stocking by Marisabell each one of
the animals are 3D. It is really stunning. It was bought in
the USA as a kit all sequins and beads were included.
Enquires are in progress for web address! |
This is a quilt for a former colleague of Lynda's, little boy's
really "dig"man toys don't they? |
Another" Kate" made bag, quite a production line in bags
these days, some beautiful gifts being made in time
for the big Xmas rush. |
After confessing to cutting up Annie's cushions this is where I
am with the resulting quilt. All layered up ready to quilt.
This quilt by Chris is almost finished in time for
the baby's visit this week. A lovely delicate seersucker
quilt, I think this is the 3rd of this type Chris has
done, they have all been really soft and comfy.
The original one was bought as a kit from
Uttoxeter show. |