Quilting at Caverswall on Wednesday turned out to be quite unusual,
I arrived late so the ladies started without me. Lots of sewing and
the usual laughter. A new pack of patterns had arrived for the
Lutterloh dress designer system, so we're itching to start that. It is a
system to design your own body pattern using just 2 measurements,
your bust and hip, from there you can draft any of the patterns in the
catalogue. As the hall has had new double glazing and we are now
light and bright we want to have new curtains. A lady named Dorothy
kindly bequeathed a large sum of money to the hall, to be used for this
purpose. We have had a good quote and to ensure a really nice quality,
the fire proofing, and the making up, we decided to raise more funds
ourselves. All the usual ideas, we came up with a tabletop sale. This is
to take place on Sunday June 5th. Traders in at 8.00am, doors open at
9.00am--- 1.00pm. We are looking for lots of local support as these
ladies work so hard to help fund the hall with donations to the raffles,
providing the paint and the time, to spruce up the place. They have also
almost got the web page up and running.Thanks to the initial work
by Gilly Wood ,who started the ball rolling with the web design. It
is now been redesigned and instated by a guy named Leigh Silcock.
watch this space!!!
These are my works in progress (amongst many others) these pics should have been at the end , I need more skills on this machine!! |
These are our new windows! |
Marrilla has hand stitched this quilt top for a young man,
it's so bright and cheerful he will be really pleased. |
I only managed to get this shot of Kate's work in progress.
Having brought a new sewing machine for one of her
grand daughters she was making a bag in this beautiful blue
fabric. She has become our very own bag queen| |
Linda was also making bags, look at the fabulous diamond zip.
This was purchased at Nantwich market, unfortunately
the lady only had the one zip. We went on Thursday as it was
such a nice day. Sadly the lady hadn't been able to get any
more.On the internet you can buy them under the heading
Rhinestone zippers, they are sold mostly for dance wear. |
Annie pie has been making shopping bags for ages, she made this one
Dont you think it so retro , such a simple design yet stunning. |